Thursday, April 5, 2007

1,10 45 man Sit $ go Recorded

After i seen some recorded video's from experienced poker players (Scriptdude, Edme) i had the idea to do that also. I installed camtasia and did some tests. Well ok shuffle up and deal, and push the record button.
After Scriptdude saw my Handhistory he used a program to analyse and give comments (in Dutch), this is for me a very informative video. And i think worth downloading or every starting poker player. Here are the Download links:

Download part 1

Download part 2

Download Replay with comments of Scriptdude

Download Full HH

Download the HH of the 20 played hands HH


rikislief said...

bij deze een lief berichtje!!

succes met je blog meissie, en ook met je pokercarriere!!

liefs rikislief

Anonymous said...

Ik ben de filmpies toch alweer aan het downloaden :) en inderdaard succes met het up to date houden van de blog
