Tuesday, April 24, 2007


After a week with a up and downswing, went from 50$ to 93$ and back to 37. I won a free pokernewscup ticket on the forum.
After a slow start i picked up some nice hands, and create a average stack. After throwing out the funder of the ticket (redwatch)and some nice plays i was in reach of the chipleaders. On 1 moment i was even Chipleader, and after a long strongle i came ITM. I reached even further to the final table but ended in 8th place. Good for a doucle up of my bankroll (63.18$)

I also recorded this whole cup. Downloads:

Download the Pokernewscup part 1

Download the Pokernewscup part 2

Download the Pokernewscup part 3

Download the Pokernewscup part 4 (inclusief final table)

Download Full HH

Download the HH of the 15 Keyhands HH

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